To get in the right mindset for the new year – it’s helpful to celebrate successes. There may be goals you fell short of in 2016 – but what did you accomplish? Give yourself credit and remind yourself what it took to get those things done. This can be your springboard for fresh vision and goals for the new year! This Jack Canfield blog gives you some great questions to ask yourself to put things in perspective, and some tips on setting 2017 goals.

As you set your new year goals for 2017, it’s a good idea to take stock of the progress you’ve made toward your goals this year. For many people, this review is unpleasant and can even lead to a downward spiral. 

If you didn’t achieve all of the goals you set at the beginning of the year, you may feel like you have failed. Our self-esteem can take a hit, we can become disheartened and discouraged, and our motivation drops. Some people actually become depressed. 

If this sounds familiar, it’s time to reframe how you look at success. Zeroing in on accomplishments that didn’t happen puts your focus on what you lack, rather than on what you have (the things you did experience and accomplish). This subtle mental trap leads to a host of negative consequences, which usually leads to attracting more lack. Read more 

Helping clients set clear, attainable goals for themselves is a key part of coaching others through to success. You may be their loudest cheerleader also as you help them celebrate successes along the way!

The more you can use these tools yourself and see results, the more credibility and enthusiasm you will have when sharing them with your clients! Take the next step in your coaching career and explore our coach credential programs here: