For Professional Coaches looking for a Specialty Niche’ in Addiction Recovery
Coach those in long-term recovery, new to recovery or who are evaluating their own substance use or behaviors
Gain awareness of addiction issues as well as powerful insights in behavioral health and recovery
Advanced program of study only available to currently certified NBHWCs and PCC level coaches
Self-paced asynchronous program
Course Topics:
- Introduction to Neuroscience and Addiction
- Video Library: Addiction Issues
- Dynamics of Professional Recovery Coaching
- Right Thinking in Recovery
- Ethics in Professional Recovery Coaching
- Family Roots in Addiction
Just some of what you will learn:
- Learn about cravings, BEEPS and how the brain is hijacked in addiction.
- Understand how the brain’s control center operates best with joy in charge.
- Understand the progression of addiction.
- Learn how to help clients build Recovery Capital in the context of Whole Life Recovery.
- Learn about Cognitive Distortions, Cognitive Restructuring and Self-Talk Analysis.
- Apply principles of Anger Management in coaching recovering persons.
- Review current laws that affect the coaching profession including HIPAA and Confidentiality laws.
- Develop an understanding of culture bias and its impact on the coach/client relationship.
- Learn how to structure the coach/client relationship from the first day.
- Understand the Rules that control an addicted family and how to support clients in resetting patterns.
- Demonstrate how to use coaching competencies with clients on topics related to addiction recovery.

Full Money Back Guarantee: 5 days from date of purchase. The Certified Professional Coach Program is nontransferable and non-cancellable after 5 days.