Life Coaching Essentials Training Course

Life Coaching is about Healthy Change and helping people to envision and achieve the life they desire. Coaching is focused on the future and moving from the present situation to a desired future grounded in purpose and meaning.

Coaches are NOT therapists or counselors who diagnose emotional problems. Coaching is based on the belief that people are creative, resourceful, resilient and able to make authentic choices about their lives. Coaches provide a trustworthy partnership; how do they do this….? They create a safe space, become genuinely curious, use powerful questions, listen deeply, reflect back what they hear.

Coaches expand awareness to help their clients explore choices and results based on new insight and perspectives. Coaches provide structure and accountability to help their clients clarify and build on their own internal motivations for positive life change, and celebrate successes!

Our Life Coaching Essentials Program is based in Positive Psychology with a focus on our strengths, on our future, on our possibilities, on meaning, and challenging false assumptions. Our training and certification will give you the know- how and the confidence you need to provide excellent Professional Coaching to your clients.

Life Coaching Essentials incorporates the Core Competencies of the International Coach Federations (ICF). You will learn to:

  • Guide people through a Dynamic Coaching Process from start to finish.
  • Set the Foundation for Coaching Relationships using a formal Coaching Agreement.
  • Understand and Apply Ethical Practices and Standards.
  • Co-create a Meaningful Coaching Relationship built on Trust and Respect.
  • Develop your own Personal Coaching Presence and Style.
  • Communicate effectively through Deep Listening and Powerful Questions.
  • Create Awareness and Deepen Insight to help clients Clarify their Purpose.
  • Facilitate Results by Assisting Clients to design goals, plans and actions.
  • Provide Meaningful Accountability in the context of Celebrating Success.
  • Launch Your Own Coaching Practice using Winning Strategies to Fit Your Style.


The power of a Joyful Connection

Recent advances in neuroscience are demonstrating the relational nature of the brain, and the essential role that joy plays in healthy development of the infant and adult brain. These advances describe the effects of addiction on the brain as well as the foundational role that joy plays in recovery.

The experience of joy in the context of relationships powerfully shapes the ways in which the brain is organized and structured. Joy provides the foundation the brain needs to learn how to regulate emotions, pain, pleasure and essential neurotransmitters effectively. Joy is also needed for the brain to develop secure attachments with others throughout life. Joy is the foundation for healthy relationships, emotional regulation and prevention.

In Neuroscience of Joyful Recovery: The Power of a Joyful Connection, you will learn:

  • How to establish deep and lasting rapport with your clients
  • The effects of addiction on the neuroscience of the brain
  • A language in relation to defining joy and defining shame so your clients better understand their choices
  • The connection between addiction and trauma
  • To help your clients identify triggers and cravings that lead to relapse
  • Quieting exercises you can use with your clients
  • A structure and checklist to work with your clients in the most effective way

Roots of Addiction: Fostering My Beautiful Brain

This course takes a fresh look at the ways biological and environmental factors contribute to addictions and compulsive behaviors. Research shows that any addiction results from a combination of inherited, learned, and practiced behaviors which can be treated and prevented. Alcohol, tobacco, prescription medications; illegal drugs including cocaine, heroin, and marijuana; and behaviors such as eating disorders, compulsive sexual activity, and compulsive gambling are also addressed. The unique role of spiritual awakening and service to others in recovery are also touched upon.

Alcohol and Its Effects

Listen to the voices of recovering people, top alcohol researchers, and treatment professionals as they explore the emotional and physical reasons for drinking, the craving, plus the role genetics and environment plays. Traditional treatment and recovery strategies are offered. When consumed, alcohol is pumped to and through every organ in the body. Worldwide, the use of Alcohol results in the most suffering and lives lost through homicide, violence, crime, homelessness, criminal justice, domestic violence, abuse of children, sexual abuse, automobile and other accidents, plus higher costs for businesses through lost productivity, healthcare rates and increased taxes for social services.


Tools & Techniques for Positive Change

Professional Recovery Coaching is based on results.  It empowers people to start their sober life on a solid footing.  It energizes people in long term recovery from addiction or codependency to discover new levels of satisfaction and purpose in life.

Professional Recovery Coaching is rapidly becoming the norm in today’s treatment continuum and is to the twenty-first century what counseling was to the twentieth century.

This Course covers the overall dynamics of Professional Recovery Coaching as a Strengths-Based System for changing addictive behavior.  It defines the field and provides instruction on how to coach using the Whole Life Recovery concept. It provides strategies on how to establish the coaching relationship and what Core Competencies are required for a Professional Recovery Coach.

In Professional Recovery Coach Competencies you will learn:

  • The skills and competencies of an effective Professional Recovery Coach
  • The components and delivery style of Strengths-Based Professional Recovery Coaching
  • The most prevalent barriers to recovery
  • How to engage clients from a variety of cultural backgrounds
  • To apply Stages of Change principles and Motivational Interviewing techniques
  • Solution-focused questioning along with effective feedback and probing
  • Professional Boundaries, Ethical and Legal Issues
  • How to work with families of addicted persons

PRC Live Skills Practice (Live Online 14 Weeks)

Live Online Meeting Required for CPRC Certification.

14 weeks / 28 hours of PRC Live Skills Practice sessions are required to earn your CPRC Credential

Develop your Coaching Confidence in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere as you and your fellow students put your knowledge, tools and templates into practice.

Note: Successful completion of PRC Competencies plus PRC Live Skills Practice provides 40 approved CCEs from ICF, International Coach Federation. In order to successfully complete the Live Skills portion of this training participants must be able to speak, read and write English fluently.

83 Hours of the CPRC self-study content is also covered by NAADAC and obtainable by certificate download at the end of each course.

For more detail on Live Skills attendance requirements and enrollment policy Click Here

FIR Live Skills Practice (Live Online 6 Weeks)

Live Online Meeting Required for CPRC Certification.

6 weeks / 12 hours of FIR Live Skills Practice sessions are required to earn your CPRC Credential.

Discuss the Family Issues in Recovery course material in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere as you and your fellow students put your knowledge, tools and templates into practice.

Based on the Family Issues in Recovery course, you will practice your new Coaching skills in a dynamic interactive online platform under the direction of a Master Professional Recovery Coach. You will develop your Coaching Confidence in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere as you and your fellow students put your knowledge, tools and templates into practice.

Note: Successful completion of the Family Issues in Recovery course plus FIR Live Skills Practice provides 20 approved CCEs from ICF, International Coach Federation.

Also, 20 Addiction CEUs are approved by NAADAC.

For more detail on Live Skills attendance requirements and enrollment policy Click Here


Releasing the Authentic Self

"As part of the CPRC program, this course will prepare CPRC graduates to help individual clients explore their family of origin background and discover its impact on their lives and recovery. The course is NOT designed to train CPRC graduates to offer coaching services to a family group."Discover why “Addiction is not a spectator sport; eventually the whole family gets to play.” Coaches, counselors, teachers, other helping professionals and even family members will learn to view the family affected by addiction as a whole unit with useless strategies trying to cope with the distress and pain of living with active addiction. Identifying patterns of bonding, boundaries, rules, roles and rituals within the coaching relationship can release tremendous insight and bring hope and healing. People who grew up in alcoholic or addicted homes can become resourceful, contributing adults. Self-Discovery is the key for many people to move from struggling in recovery to thriving. Understanding “where we came from” often holds the promise of positive change and recovered possibilities.

In Family Issues in Recovery, you will learn:

  • The Family Legacy of multigenerational addiction
  • The critical role of relational (personal) needs in the context of our family of origin
  • Four major rules of dysfunctional families and how to interact as a supportive coach to families
  • Seven major roles that make up an intricate coping structure within addicted families and the goal of each role.
  • Four main categories of characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoAs)
  • To recognize personal Codependency issues and implications for professional effectiveness
  • The Codependency Cycle and its relevance in the Recovery Coaching process.
  • How to use Self Discovery Worksheets to identify Family Issues and Recovery goals.


Full Money Back Guarantee: 5 days from date of purchase. The Certified Professional Recovery Coach Dual Program (CPRC Dual 100) is nontransferable and non-cancellable after 5 days.